YFSI Announces Details of its New Ambassador Program

2 min readMar 28, 2021

Participate in YFScience Ambassador program and win rewards like never before!


YFScience recently announced the launch of Bscience ($BSCI), a new token on the Binance Smartchain. BSCI is being launched in April. Complete details of the launch to be covered in our next release. Find out more here: http://bscience.finance/

YFSI Ambassadors are being offered a number of incentives related to the Bscience project. By definition, a YFSI Ambassador is anyone willing to stake a minimum of 50 YFSI tokens for six months or more.

In return, the Ambassador group will receive:

🧬 5% of BSCI paid out over six months.
🧬 Access to the BSCI prelaunch with a 10% discount and the ability to be the first to purchase BSCI.
🧬 33% of the fees generated on the BSCI/BNB and BSCI staking Pool, paid out based on each Ambassador’s percentage of the overall Ambassador Pool.
🧬 Benefits as the NFT Launchpad launches(April 2021)
🧬 Further incentives yet to be announced for staking a minimum of 50 YFSI tokens.

Yesterday was the first day that Ambassadors were able to begin staking their tokens in order to be able to take advantage of all of the incentives listed above.

More than 10% of all circulating supply was locked in place within 24 hrs.

How to Become an Ambassador

Visit https://yfsi.finance in order to stake your YFSI tokens in the section marked “Ambassador Pool”. Stake as many tokens as you’d like. The larger the staked number of tokens, the larger percentage received of the overall payout(s).

A minimum of 50 tokens must be staked up until one day prior to presale in order to qualify as a YFSI Ambassador and participate in the first payout installment of BSCI tokens.

Only 31,415 YFSI tokens will ever be created. The Ambassador program puts YFSI in the unique position of being able to lock a sizable percentage of the overall supply in place for the long term. Ultimately, YFSI would like to have a substantial group of YFSI Ambassadors all driven and incentivized to support both projects for years to come.

For more information on YFScience, we invite you to visit our website @ https://yfscience.org. We also have a very active Telegram community that can be accessed @ https://t.me/yfsciencechat

